A. Fagan and I. Sircar. 2011. Foreign donor assistance and environmental capacity building: evidence from Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. European Political Science Review. (forthcoming)
A. Fagan. 2010. EU conditionality and governance in Bosnia-Herzegovina: environmental regulation of the trans-European road network. Europe-Asia Studies. (forthcoming)
A. Fagan and I. Sircar. 2010. Environmental politics in the Western Balkans: river basin management and NGO activity in Herzegovina. Environmental Politics, vol. 19, no. 5: 808-830.
A. Fagan and I. Sircar. 2010. Compliance without governance: the role of NGOs in environmental impact assessment processes in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Environmental Politics, vol. 19, no. 4: 599-616.
special issues/co-edited books
A. Fagan and J. Carmin (eds.). Environmental Mobilization and Organizations in Post-Socialist Europe and the Former Soviet Union. Environmental Politics (Special Issue), vol. 19, no. 5. Also published as an edited book by Routledge.
conference/workshop papers
I. Sircar and A. Fagan. Europeanization and Multi-level Environmental Governance in a Post-conflict Context: the Gradual Development of Environmental Impact Assessment Processes in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Paper presented at the LSEE-KFG Environmental Governance workshop, London, 6 May 2011.
A. Fagan. Civil Society Assistance or State-building? Evaluating Donor Assistance in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia. Paper presented at the workshop 'For Better or Worse?: Civil Society Transitions in the Western Balkans', LSE, London, 7 May 2010.
M. Ostojic. Facing the Past while Disregarding the Present? Human Rights Organisations and Truth-Telling in Post-Milosevic Serbia. Paper presented at the workshop 'For Better or Worse?: Civil Society Transitions in the Western Balkans', LSE, London, 7 May 2010.
A. Fagan. EU Assistance and Civil Society Governance Networks: Development or State-building in Bosnia-Herzegovina? Paper presented at the 15th Annual Association for the Study of Nationalities World Convention, New York, USA, 15-17 April 2010.
M. Ostojic. Enforcing Transitional Justice: The Hague Conditionality and Regime Change in Serbia 2000-2009. Paper presented at the 15th Annual Association for the Study of Nationalities World Convention, New York, USA, 15-17 April 2010.
I. Sircar and A. Fagan. Environmental Governance and Civil Society in Bosnia-Herzegovina: The End of The Road for Europeanization Via Enlargement? Paper presented at the Western Political Science 2010 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 1-3 April 2010.
A. Fagan. Transnational Advocacy After Conflict: Civil Society Networks Beyond the State in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Paper presented at ISA Annual Convention, New Orleans, USA, 17-20 February 2010.
A. Fagan. EU conditionality and governance in Bosnia-Herzegovina: environmental regulation of the trans-European road network. Paper presented at AAASS Annual Convention, Boston, USA, November 12-15 2009.
A. Fagan. EU Assistance for Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo: Building the Governance Capacity for Civil Society. Paper presented at the workshop "Civil Society, Democracy and Global Governance", ECPR Joint Sessions, Lisbon, Portugal, 14-19 April 2009.
A. Fagan and I. Sircar. Compliance Without Governance: The role of NGOs in environmental policy formation and implementation in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Paper presented at the workshop "EU Enlargement and Institutional Reform in Southeast Europe", Berlin, Germany, 5-6 February 2009.
A. Fagan and I. Sircar. Building Environmental Capacity in the Context of EU Conditionality: The Case of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Paper presented at the workshop "Environmental Capacity and Development in Transitional States and Emerging Democracies", ECPR Joint Sessions, Rennes, France, 11-16 April 2008.
A. Fagan and M. Ostojic. Partners and Pariahs: Institutionalised NGOs and Human Rights Activists in post-Milosevic Serbia. Paper presented at the conference "Serbia Post-Milosevic: Continuities/Discontinuities", Paris, France, 8 February 2008.